
2016년 12월 14일 수요일

DRONE : Drone Kit Referance 정리

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Drone Kit Referance 정리


Getting Start 시작.
DroneKit-Python apps are typically run on Linux-based companion computers that travel on the vehicle and communicate with the autopilot via a serial port. However, during development it is usually easier to prototype apps on a standard Mac, Windows, or Linux computer using a simulated autopilot. 
This topic explains how to set up and run DroneKit-Python (within MAVProxy) on the different host operating systems and then run a basic DroneKit app.

Installing DroneKit on Linux

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-numpy python-opencv python-serial python-pyparsing python-wxgtk2.8
The remaining dependencies (including MAVProxy), are installed when you get DroneKit-Python from the public PyPi repository:

sudo pip install droneapi

Starting MAVProxy

Before executing DroneKit scripts you must first start MAVProxy and connect to your autopilot (simulated or real). The connection to the vehicle can be set up on the command line when starting MAVProxy or after MAVProxy is running.
-> 여기를 놓쳤구나~!

Connecting at startup

The table below shows the command lines used to start MAVProxy for the respective connection types:

MAVProxy connection options
Connection typeMAVProxy command
Linux computer connected to the vehicle via --master=/dev/ttyUSB0
Linux computer connected to the vehicle via Serial port (RaspberryPi example) --master=/dev/ttyAMA0 --baudrate57600
SITL connected to the vehicle via --master=
OSX computer connected to the vehicle via --master=/dev/cu.usbmodem1
Windows computer connected to the vehicle via --master=/dev/cu.usbmodem1

Connecting after startup

To connect to the autopilot once MAVProxy has already started use link add <connection> in the MAVProxy command prompt, where <connection> takes the same values as master in the table above. For example, to set up a connection to SITL running on the local computer at port 14550 do:

link add
If you’re connecting using a serial port you may need to first set up the baud rate first (the default is 57600). You can change the default baudrate used for new connections as shown:

set baudrate 57600    #Set the default baud rate for new connections (do before calling "link add")

~/Gwang_ws$ --master=/dev/ttyAMA0,57600 --master=/dev/ttyAMA0,57600 --out=

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